Friday, February 6, 2009

Xtreme Water X2O Transforms Blood Transform Life

Xtreme Water is the highest achievement that a solution (water)can benefit human good health. This is a transforming water product of Xooma Worldwide. It supercharges your water to boost good health that no Doctors or Scientists can create one to compare.

We have been suffered from the pressure and living standard of our modern world. We are dictated by time frame to work, pay bills; look after our kids, houses, motor vehicles, attending meetings, cultural and religious. This led us to depress and frustration. As a result we suffered unexpected illness.

Xtreme Water goal is promoting good health of the generation. There are not many people know about this product and you are one of the lucky few. It is my passion to spread this good news to all languages and tribes on Planet Earth.

Your steps towards new heaven:


Xtreme Water transform your water, allowing it to help hydrate you at cellular level, replenish those vital minerals and electrolytes, while giving you healthy boost of alkalinity (to help neutralize the acidity in your body). Best of all, there???s no unpleasant taste - just water that tastes cleaner and fresher as it works to support your overall health.

Xtreme Water transforms your water to proper hydration level. It makes your water wetter allowing molecules easily absorb into our body system. Hydration is the most important reason why our body needs water. We do not want to fall into dehydration as no one welcomes such consequences like constipation, headache and migraine, fatigue, confusing, lack of energy, laziness, hair loss and unhealthy skin.

It transforms drinking water into pH balance alkaline state. Alkaline solution is usually referred to Good Health and is what this product is doing. The two phases in our body???s solution is either acidic or alkaline. Acidic could be a by-product of our system; the food and water we drink. They are acidic and could not flush out of the body thereby creating problems and ill health. Further, this retention gain excessive weight we do not welcome.

This transformation (alkaline state) of your drinking water facilitates improved metabolic function thus effectuate flushing out the unwanted by-product in the body. This is a huge relief in terms of health and weight loss regime.

In strict contrast, pH balance alkaline state is good health. This state starts above 7 on the pH scale. Having said that, we now learn tap water, bottled water and reverse osmosis are not alkaline and in need this transforming water.


Xtreme Water X2O transforms the red blood cells clotted together into separate cells allowing the transformation of nutrients to the cells of the blood. This is a huge process as it dissolves free radicals and acidulous in our blood system.

Click the link below to watch a recent video on my website demonstrate how this product miraculously separate red blood cells from grouping and bunch together into separate cells. This transformation allows more oxygen and thus facilitating nutrients to reach each individual cell.


X2O transform my life. I came to New Zealand in 2004 for the education of my kids. Once they settle at school I start studying and researching on how to prevent degenerative diseases from preying and devastating my immediate family.

My parents went home early and so as uncles and aunties. Many have lost their sight, hand or a leg. Needless to mention other problems involved.

Almost everyone in my family pass 35 years old suffered diabetes and others join in later like asthma, high blood pressure, heart diseases, gout, kidney stones and cancer is always there.

I have tried many products in the last three years. As we all know the internet technology, the more you are in a particular field say health and wellness, the more advertisement found in your email every day. That is how I found this product. However, if I come across a better product I???ll bring it to your attention. I know the only product to supersede Xtreme Water is something to bring one back from the cemetery.

When I first taste Xtreme Water, I know my life ha been transform to optimum unexpected level. I am energized, hydrate, improve respiratory system, urine problems are gone, no more pain in my chest and I start to feel younger and younger. I enjoy every single day and eager to get out of bed in the morning. I have no more worries about any of the deadly diseases who took away my families.

Xtreme Water is extreme good health recipe. It provides good health in a box. Come on in and prove for yourself.
Click Here to learn more

headaches: headache

headaches: migraine

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Does Better Information Mean Better Health?

After combining 30 studies which compared cardiovascular drugs to their generic counterparts, researchers found that the brand-name drugs didn't work any better. Generic pills may be different colors and shapes and they may have different binders and fillers, but they contain the same active ingredients as the brand-name drugs and are FDA approved. Because pharmaceutical companies can't retain exclusive rights to the drugs they develop, other companies can eventually sell chemical equivalents at substantial savings. Generic drugs represent 66% of the U.S. prescriptions, but they represent only 15% of the money spent on prescriptions. Obviously, generic drugs make the cost of medicines easier to swallow.

A drug-related study done by Duke University showed that acupuncture is more effective in treating headaches than drugs like aspirin. The study which involved approximately 4,000 patients with migraine, tension and other forms of chronic headaches found that 62% of the acupuncture patients reported headache relief compared to 45% of those taking headache medicines. Although acupuncture itself is painless, it releases the body's natural painkillers and an average of only 5 to 6 acupuncture treatments were necessary for the patients in the study to experience headache relief. They didn't have to take 2 aspirins and call the doctor in the morning.

According to scientists at the University of Chicago who monitored 500 healthy volunteers in their mid 40's, sleep is important for a healthy heart. Twenty-seven percent of those who slept 5 hours or less developed coronary artery calcification within 5 years. However, only 6% of the volunteers who slept 7 hours or more developed the calcification which is a strong marker for heart disease. The study's results showed that people who are sleep deprived have 4.5 times the risk of getting heart disease. For them it's especially important to sleep on this information.

Then there's the study done by psychologists at the University of South Florida and at Tilburg University in the Netherlands. They analyzed detailed accounts of more than 3,000 crying episodes submitted by volunteers and found that crying is healthy. Crying helps control breathing, which helps overcome the body's negatively aroused state. When people experience overwhelming stress and arousal, their heart rate increases and their bodies begin to sweat. When people cry, their breathing slows down, which creates a calming effect. Because the calming effect usually lasts longer than the unpleasant stress reaction associated with it, crying is nothing to cry about.

Knight Pierce Hirst has written for television, newspapers and greeting cards. Now she writes a 400-word blog. KNIGHT WATCH, a second look at what makes life interesting, takes only seconds to read at

headaches: headaches

headaches: migraine

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